明德中文學校學生向大家拜個早年,恭祝各位:狗年幸福旺旺來 Dear Parents, 17/2/2018 (Week 3)Due to Chinese New Year, we will not be holding Chinese classes on this Saturday, Instead we will supplement extra week of Chinese class on April 14. Best wishes for the year to come! 親愛的家長、小朋友們:
2018年第一學段早上班將於3/2/2018 週六9:30am 開始上課,12:30pm 放學。 下午班將於1:30pm 開始上課,4:30pm 放學。望廣大家長周知,開學當天請準時到校。謝謝大家! Term 1 Chinese classes will commence on the 3/2/2018 at 9:30am to 12:30pm for morning classes; 1:30pm to 4:30pm for afternoon classes 2017年第四學段於2/12/2017 (週六) 結束。 9/12/2017為本年度畢業暨頒獎典禮。
2018年第一學段將於3/2/2018 (週六) 開始上課。屆時希望各家長依時攜帶子弟返校上課為荷。 祝大家有個愉快的假期 Dear Parents, Chinese classes Term 4 finish on the 2/12/2017. The end of year presentation will be held on 9/12/2017. Term 1 Chinese classes will commence on the 3/2/2018。 Wishing you a happy, safe festive period and we look forward to seeing you next year. |
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