中學將畢業的學生未來有機會獲得新南威爾斯州學習、教學和教育標準委員會,承認在社區語言學校的正式學習成績紀錄(RoSA)以代替之前的中學證書(School Certificate)。
明德中文學校自從2000年開始至2007年總共推薦了超過60位符合考試局訂立的條件:學生中文學習態度、成績優良,最重要能達到聽、說、讀、寫這四子標;而英文、中文是同年級的學生領取中學證書(School Certificate)
The Certificate of Participation is one of the initiatives of the Communities United Through Language reform announced earlier this year. Students in Kindergarten to Year 6 now have the opportunity to be recognised for their participation in community languages school and be presented with a certificate at their home school. Students in secondary school will have the opportunity for formal recognition of learning a language in community languages schools through the Board of Studies Teaching and Educational Standards (BOSTES) Record of School Achievement (RoSA) for graduating students. I will send more details about RoSA in due course.