明德十二年來,總是在攀越巔峰的路徑上奮進著。常有許多鄉親走近我,悄悄跟我說:「洪校長啊!別給自己百上加斤啊!學校已經成就非凡了,妳就放緩腳步,輕鬆一下!休息還不是為了走更長遠的路。」然而我相信,我們明德人有不同的哲學,我們這所學校所企求的,就是臻於至善;為了「止於至善」,我們必須奮力向前,努力不懈。我們必須分秒必爭 --行事曆、日記本上填滿要達成的新目標;我們既追雲逐夢,就灑脫出我們勒不住的熱情奔放,表現出那不斷創新的生命力。
為了身處高峰,我們要向著標竿直跑,不畏失敗。猶記得當初我們舉辦說故事比賽,有位鄉親家長取笑我們的想法,她說:「孩子說故事行嗎?-- 他們連華語會話都是勉強擠出來的!」如今我們舉辦說故事比賽,已經超過十年了;她出席了最近的一次盛會,看了簡直目瞪口呆 -- 因為我們的學生不僅能口齒清晰、語音流暢地說故事,而且表情達意極其生動逼真,攫住了所有觀眾。她驚訝於學生舉手投足的動作,配上不同聲腔語調和角色風格,將我們帶入故事的情境裡。
在最近的教學會議中,我向老師提報了來年2006年新的執行計劃,除了聽、說、讀、寫學業方面的目標外,我們有一個新的路向,就是帶領學生到課本的環境之外,引他們進入一個培育未來領袖的環境中。明德已經十二歲了,我曾經看到好幾個童稚之年加入我們行列的孩子,如今已成為畢業班的高材生,他們不僅學業成績出類拔萃,而且在訓練有素的母語學習和傳統文化實踐中,嶄露頭角成為領袖人才。我們最近的畢業生,正在律師、會計師、教師、醫務人員、未來社會上的企業大亨等不同生涯裡角逐,雖然行業不同,但有一樣特徵是他們共有的,就是他們深深感恩在學習另一種語言之餘,在領導統御、時間管理、課外活動等能力上所得到的造就。他們已經訓練有素,知道如何在應付主流學校的功課上再去應付中文功課及課外活動,因為他們學會了在應付不同事務的同時,該怎樣安排時間,也知道在背囊滿載的情況下,不單單因為快超載而輕易放棄其中一些東西的重要。因此,我願意將畢業生成功的事例推廣到未來的畢業生身上 -- 那些未來的醫生、教師、商業鉅子、商場女強人們。而我們新年度的新目標就是:百尺竿頭更進一步,為造就這批未來的成功人仕而精益求精,淬煉他們的領袖才能和學習技能。
感謝師生家長齊心協力,我們過去努力的血汗沒有白流,今年我們又有九位同學在民族語言學校教育廳長奬的競爭中戴上榮冕,獲得大奬,特別要恭喜Canley Vale校區的阮齡儀同學,她獲得最最珍貴的最高榮譽廳長奬。另外又有湯家琪、岑寶寶、寮慧堃等十二位同學通過審定,他們的中文成績得以列入十年班的證書中。最近Fairvale校區的高中班學生,勇於嘗試創新,成功舉辦了班級辯論會。這樣結出的豐碩果實,在在證明我們明德的孩子在攀越巔峰的過程中,不斷「追求卓越」,企求「止於至善」,這已符合我們明德中文學校一貫堅持的信念。
To find the best resources and expect the best results (By Ming-Der Principal)
The theme for this year’s book is “To find the best resources and expect the best results”. As a result of this objective, I thought about what we have achieved in the past and what our goals are for the future. The question at hand was, “How can we provide our children with the best educational platform?”
At Ming Der Chinese School, we are always striving to reach new heights. Many people within this community have approached me and said “Why do you keep working so hard? You have already reached great heights – slow down, relax and take a rest now!” I believe that the community of Ming Der Chinese School adopts a different philosophy. We here at this school strive to better our last achievements. I believe that in order to maintain at our levels of excellence, we must strive further and work smarter. If we slow down to take a rest, it is only to prepare our physical and mental state for a hardworking journey ahead. We must manage our time wisely – fill our calendars with new goals to achieve and unleash our creative spirit to chase our dreams.
In order to reach our goals, we must be persistent with our aims and not be afraid to fail. A parent from within the Chinese community once laughed at the concept of our school holding a Storytelling Competition. She said, “How can these kids tell a story – when they can barely hold a conversation in Chinese?” Our school has held the competition for the last ten years. Having attended our most recent storytelling competition, she was astounded – not only were our students telling their story with fluency and accuracy, but also with flair, expression and emotion to capture the entire audience. She was amazed that students were employing hand actions, adopting different voices and personas – to take us into the world of the story of which they were telling.
At a recent staff meeting, I presented to our teachers our new plan to execute in the coming year. For 2006, we have a new approach in teaching. In addition to striving for academic goals – reading, writing, speaking and listening, I want to take our students outside the textbook environment and bring them into an environment to foster the leaders of our future. Our school is now 12 years old. I have watched several lots of my students join as young children and leave as distinguished graduates. Not only have they excelled in their academic portfolios; through disciplined learning of their mother tongue and practising their traditional culture,they have emerged as leaders. My recent graduates have left and pursued careers as lawyers, accountants, teachers, medical specialists and the future business tycoons of society. Despite the variety of work they have entered into, one thing remains common to all these ex-students of mine. That is, they have all been grateful of the leadership, time management and extra curricular skills they learnt as a result of studyinganother language. They have become disciplined through managing Chinese work on top of their mainstream school work as well as their extra curricular activities. They learnt to manage their time and at the same time, understand the importance of not giving up on something simply because their plate was getting full. So I would like to extend that success to our future graduates – doctors, teachers and businessmen and women – and our new goal for this year is to strive to refine our leadership skills and learn skills to become successful people in the future.
I would like to express my greatest appreciation to our parents and teachers who have contributed such a wonderful effort to this school. None of our efforts have gone unnoticed. This year we are proud to announce that nine students have received Minister’s Awards, including Nancy Nguyen who received the premier Minister’s award – one of two people in NSW. In addition to this, we have 10 students who have qualified for Chinese Mandarin in the School Certificate. Another event that we are proud to share is that we held our first formal school debate – with formal measures of adjudication. We gave our students a week to prepare for their topics and the head teachers and I adjudicated the debate. This was a monumental achievement for us, as it signifies the achievements of our students in conversation as well as organized speech. Not only that, they are using their proficient language skills to explain their opinions as well as formulate arguments.