第三學段將於23/7/2016 (周六) 開始上课﹐届時希望各家長依時携帶子弟返校上课為荷。特此敬告贵家長
Dear parent:
Chinese classes Term 2 finish on the 25/6/2016 and the Term 3 will commence on the 23/7/2016
明德中文學校 Mingder Chinese School |
2016年第二學段於25/6/2016 (周六) 结束。
第三學段將於23/7/2016 (周六) 開始上课﹐届時希望各家長依時携帶子弟返校上课為荷。特此敬告贵家長 Dear parent: Chinese classes Term 2 finish on the 25/6/2016 and the Term 3 will commence on the 23/7/2016
在本年度的比賽,明德中文學校各校區一共獲得的獎項計有: 團體組:3個冠軍、2個亞軍、3個季軍。 團體組冠軍得獎學生名單如下: 4-6歲組(Auburn 校區) 陳鋇雯、楊曉瑩、吳之遠、黄怡恩、林婷婷、張兆龍、蘇永駿、賴鈺琪、陳明恒、李祉恩、王瑜珈 7-9歲組(Fairvale 校區) 賴曉晴、伍詩怡、賴建朗、刁宏傑、佘思彤、 佘思形、蘇楚晉、徐紫珊、區敏儀、賴子恩、 劉詩慧、李莉亞、蘇倩湄、黃佳華、黃曼翎 7-9歲組(Regents Park 校區) 徐佩喬、林子薰、林家禾、王子宸、陳唐馨、魯唐雯、施宏浩、黃安妮、吳昕隆、陳斯毅、林子翔、郭珮珊 團體組亞軍得獎學生名單如下: 4-6歲組(Fairvale 校區) 頼君來、黃孝圓、韓悅心、蔡嘵筠、伍凱怡、盧晉賢、郭晶晶、黃孝恩、李恕芬、謝鈺麗 10-12歲組(Fairvale 校區) 劉詩雅、郭俊杰、李嘉琪 李廣洪、葉雅欣、蔡佩芝 李嘉麗、黃繹賜 團體組季軍得獎學生名單如下: 7-9歲組(Auburn 校區) 廖雲遥、翁宇辰、陳逸飛、黄喬恩、倪柏雅、李凱敏、王恒德、黄子恒、潘順鸿、陳俊杰 7-9歲組(Harrington Street 校區) 巫昌盛、劉嘉嘉、麥偉嘉、彭由智、楊文凱、吳天河、楊熹欣、黃凱莉、蔡可怡、陸明海、江明超 16-18歲組(Fairvale 校區) 盧淑蓉、曾嘉敏、龔嘉裕 龔嘉莉、畢婷婷、黃繹霖、林國榮 個人組: 冠軍:麥威廉、董愛瑪、陳鋇雯、徐佩喬、劉詩雅、盧筱 亞軍:唐聖靈、楊曉瑩、林子薰、黃曼翎、賴曉晴、 全澳中文朗誦比賽為澳洲大型中文比賽,參賽隊伍眾多,能在眾多選手中脫穎而出實屬不易。每年一次的全澳中文朗誦比賽,都是家長、學生翹首以待的盛事,而今年這項比賽在所有家長、老師、同學共同努力和配合下取得了亮眼、傑出、傲人的成績。 Congratulations to all of the students who participated in the National Chinese Eisteddford on Saturday 28 May 2016. It is such an amazing achievement to be able to perform on stage in front of such a large audience and we are very proud of everybody’s efforts. What a wonderful display of our students' talent - we were inundated with praise about the exceptional standard of our students. We must thank our fantastic teachers who have worked tirelessly to ensure that all of our students are ready for the Eisteddfod. We must also thank parent who have volunteered their time to ensure that all of our teachers and students have the best experience possible. We hope that you have enjoyed the journey and we look forward to seeing everybody, as well as many new faces, next year! Ming Der Chinese School received excellent results with: Group:Three 1st place awards,Two 2nd place award,Three 3rd place award Individual: Six 1st place awards,Five 2nd place awards. Keep up the great work! |
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