明德今年又有十二位同學之中文成績得以列入澳洲教育當局之中學證書。他們是:劉雪霞(Sydney GHS)、馬麗莎、高艷娜(Sefton HS)、方志達、歐思華、吳景晴(Canley Vale HS)、朱祖怡(Macquarie Fields HS)、李鴻迪(Girraween HS)、林海慧(Chester Hill HS)、邵淑虹(Liverpool GHS)、岑欣欣(North Sydney GHS)、吳麗婷(Fairvale HS)。
明德今年的另一件大事,是新一屆家長委員會的組成,並推舉 Birrong 校區的譚顯鏗先生為家長會長, Auburn 校區的歐陽翠珉、 Fairvale 校區的張陳素鑾為副會長。感謝眾多家長出席家長會,並向榮膺重任的譚會長、歐陽、張陳副會長及眾委員未來將擔負的勞苦先致感謝之意,您們是明德極重要的組成的一部分,歡迎您們參與到明德的生命中。我也向多年來一貫支持我們校務的前會長陳國群先生致上無比的感激與敬意。
最近我要帶領師生和家長們出席一系列活動,25/8/06 我出席了廳長獎的盛大頒獎典禮,內心極其欣喜愉快,我真以明德的眾小將們為榮,也欽佩勞苦功高的家長和老師們。九月份的僑校運動會、說故事比賽、明德家長師生聯歡會及卡啦 OK 大賽,希望我們大家一起再見面,一起交流同樂,讓我們都不缺席吧!!
全澳中文朗誦比賽 明德成績壓倒群雄今年 6 月 3 日全澳中文朗誦比賽假 Burwood 女子中學會場舉行,本校組隊參賽,戰果輝煌總共贏取團體獎項個,個人獎項個,再次技驚全場。明德創校以來,年年參與該賽事,十餘年來累積榮獲獎項百餘個,成為本校光輝之歷史紀錄。本校一貫視參與該賽事為年度教育重要之一環,全校參與,校內選拔,藉此磨練學生語言能力,培養其自信心,樹立其面對大場面無懼無恐的大將作風,並增強其團體榮榮譽感。明德小將今年得獎名單如後:
國語 非母語 個人組
4-6歲 冠軍 Sami Al-Hilfi
4-6歲 冠軍 陳貴貴、劉妍
7-9歲 冠軍 黃繹霖、白嬌嬌
7-9歲 季軍 戴舒琪
7-9歲 特優獎 陳恩兒
10-12歲 亞軍 張瑞儀
10-12歲 特優獎 張興勝、孔維嘉
13-15歲 冠軍 彭麗樺
16歲 季軍 湯家琪
7-9歲 季軍 譚光林、盧詠婷、王慧銘、鄧文碩、馮婷婷、張靄兒、王曉君、李思樂、陳美琪、
10-12歲 亞軍 張瑞儀、張興勝、戴舒穎、陳穎熙、鄧曉婷、龔心瑜、林百康、李明倫、李慧詩、鄧嘉燕、楊祝清
13-15歲 冠軍 彭麗樺、鄧曉琳、高艷婷、方志達、劉沛玲、馬麗莎、盧淑貞、林海慧、邵淑虹、曾碧瑤、馮慧敏、羅少杏、李鴻迪、陳建衡
13-15歲 亞軍 江淑燕、湯詩盈、畢婷婷、李麗珊、蔡嘉偉、吳泰峰、湯祖文、黃靜娜、林麗莎、吳春莉、宋依莉
16-18歲 亞軍 黎露莉、湯家琪、楊惟舜、高艷娜、黃雅翎、黃珮雲、詹婷婷、岑寶寶、岑欣欣、黃莉雯、吳婷盈、鄧彩迎
4-6歲 亞軍 劉意昂、劉妍、莊淑玲、陳美鳳、陳小願、林玉婷、張佳強、陳貴貴、湯曼婷
4-6歲 季軍 陳佳容、楊蕙因、阮珊珊、廖敏秀、王先銘、黃健邦、譚曉文、黃柏瑩、張藹盈、黃穎奷、黃嘉明、王銳龍
7-9歲 亞軍 張家銘、郭竟、陳靖雯、欒宇安、翁少冰、蔡寶榮、黃慧玲、黃家豪、鄧志成、雲俊傑、陳翠欣、廖宛兒、黃天銘、龍韻芝、黎嘉莉
新一屆明德家長委員會正式組成本校 11/02/2006 第二屆家長會改選,11/03/2006 舉行移交典禮。假 Auburn RSL Club 召開首次家長座談會,感謝數十位家長踴躍出席,與學校校務委員老師共聚一堂,面對面交流溝通。感謝眾家長提供應興應革的意見,並對校務鼎力支持。會中一致通過,推舉 Birrong 校區譚顯鏗先生出任新一屆家長委員會會長, Fairvale 校區張陳素鑾女士、 Auburn 校區歐陽翠女士出任副會長,寮李岳芳女士珉、陳志城先生分別出任中英文秘書,委員幹事有陳月竹、陳俊梅、方李彩霞、黃莊雯兒、吳慶祥、易美儀、謝清翠、謝采珍、李施珍、蔡明財、趙葵珠、陳符麗瓊。家長會乃明德重要組成之一部分,願更多家長樂意參與到家長會當中,一起關心呵護明德的成長。
It’s been a while since our last newsletter. The purpose of this newsletter is to inform you, as parents and students of the latest events of the school and our progress thus far. I would like to take this opportunity to thank teachers, parents and students for keeping me in touch with your daily happenings. Thank you for letting me know how you have been doing – not only in school so that we ensure clear lines of communication at all times. I’ll now take this opportunity to inform you of the latest news at Ming-Der Chinese School.
Yet again, we’ve received some great awards at the Minister’s Awards for Community Languages. There have been a total of ten students who have received awards for “Highly Commended” in the prestigious awards. Furthermore, we have outstanding commendations to Alan Tam and Sami Al-Hilfi who have both received the only awards for Minister’s Awards for Excellence in a Community Language in the Junior Division. These young children have received such outstanding awards and I truly extend my congratulations to these students. I would also like to thank their parental and family support at home and especially their teachers who have brought them thus far.
We have again achieved some great results at the National Chinese Eisteddford this year, taking home a total of 21 prizes. Ming Der has time and again achieved awards at every year that we’ve participated in this competition; it is truly a well-established achievement to be left in our history books. Our achievements are reflective of the Ming Der spirit.
This year we have another twelve students who have qualified for the entry of Chinese (Mandarin) into their Year 10 School Certificate. Commendations to Caroline Luu , Margaret Yie Quach, Ivy Lam, Lisha Ma, Martin Van, Peter Au, Nattalie Ngo, Jo Yee Chu, Jessica Ngo, Yanna Ko, Heidi Sham.
The next big news for Ming Der this year is the welcoming of a new President to our Parent Committee. Mr Dam is the parent of Alan Tam from our Birrong branch. Our Vice Presidents are Ms Au Yang from our Auburn branch and Ms Chen from our Fairvale branch. We would like to extend our appreciation to all the parents who have offered their assistance to our committee and congratulate our newly appointed Executive. Of course, we must also thank our retiring President, Mr Michael Chan for all his efforts these past twelve years.
As you will all know by now, our school has also had launched the Ming Der Chinese School official website. It contains all our contact information as well as upcoming events and news. I recommend you all to take a browse around the site to be informed of the school’s events. The site address is www.mingder.org.au.
Ming-Der Chinese School has participated in the Minister’s Awards for Excellence in a community language since 2002. The award acknowledges students’ achievements in learning a community language outside of school and is recognised by the Minister of Education. It is a reflection of the time and effort that students put into their language studies.
The selection process for this award is very tough, with students competing against all ethnic schools around the state.
In 2006, our school received nine awards for this prestigious title; including two Minsters award for Excellence, four Highly Commended, four Commended award. The criterion for receiving such an award includes achievements in the following areas; Academic, Leadership, Community and All-Round aspects. For this reason, students are encouraged to participate in different areas of school activities; including public speaking, story telling, dancing and singing. Students are also recognised for the work they do in their mainstream schools - thereby encouraging all-round efforts in students.
Congratulations to this year’s recipients:
School Location Student's Name Category Awards
Canley Vale Harry Wong Junior Commended
Canley Vale Wei Qi Wang Senior Highly Commended
Fairvale Nicole Dai Junior Commended
Fairvale Sylvia Wong Senior Highly Commended
Harrington Street David Thai Senior Commended
Harrington Street Sami Al-Hilfi Junior Minister's Award
Birrong Shanielle Lim Senior Highly Commended
Birrong Alan Tam Junior Minister's Award
Auburn Shirley Huynh Junior Commended
Auburn Bonnie Luong Senior Highly Commended
明德今年又有十二位同學之中文成績得以列入澳洲教育當局之中學證書。他們是:劉雪霞(Sydney GHS)、馬麗莎、高艷娜(Sefton HS)、方志達、歐思華、吳景晴(Canley Vale HS)、朱祖怡(Macquarie Fields HS)、李鴻迪(Girraween HS)、林海慧(Chester Hill HS)、邵淑虹(Liverpool GHS)、岑欣欣(North Sydney GHS)、吳麗婷(Fairvale HS)。
明德今年的另一件大事,是新一屆家長委員會的組成,並推舉 Birrong 校區的譚顯鏗先生為家長會長, Auburn 校區的歐陽翠珉、 Fairvale 校區的張陳素鑾為副會長。感謝眾多家長出席家長會,並向榮膺重任的譚會長、歐陽、張陳副會長及眾委員未來將擔負的勞苦先致感謝之意,您們是明德極重要的組成的一部分,歡迎您們參與到明德的生命中。我也向多年來一貫支持我們校務的前會長陳國群先生致上無比的感激與敬意。
最近我要帶領師生和家長們出席一系列活動,25/8/06 我出席了廳長獎的盛大頒獎典禮,內心極其欣喜愉快,我真以明德的眾小將們為榮,也欽佩勞苦功高的家長和老師們。九月份的僑校運動會、說故事比賽、明德家長師生聯歡會及卡啦 OK 大賽,希望我們大家一起再見面,一起交流同樂,讓我們都不缺席吧!!
全澳中文朗誦比賽 明德成績壓倒群雄今年 6 月 3 日全澳中文朗誦比賽假 Burwood 女子中學會場舉行,本校組隊參賽,戰果輝煌總共贏取團體獎項個,個人獎項個,再次技驚全場。明德創校以來,年年參與該賽事,十餘年來累積榮獲獎項百餘個,成為本校光輝之歷史紀錄。本校一貫視參與該賽事為年度教育重要之一環,全校參與,校內選拔,藉此磨練學生語言能力,培養其自信心,樹立其面對大場面無懼無恐的大將作風,並增強其團體榮榮譽感。明德小將今年得獎名單如後:
國語 非母語 個人組
4-6歲 冠軍 Sami Al-Hilfi
4-6歲 冠軍 陳貴貴、劉妍
7-9歲 冠軍 黃繹霖、白嬌嬌
7-9歲 季軍 戴舒琪
7-9歲 特優獎 陳恩兒
10-12歲 亞軍 張瑞儀
10-12歲 特優獎 張興勝、孔維嘉
13-15歲 冠軍 彭麗樺
16歲 季軍 湯家琪
7-9歲 季軍 譚光林、盧詠婷、王慧銘、鄧文碩、馮婷婷、張靄兒、王曉君、李思樂、陳美琪、
10-12歲 亞軍 張瑞儀、張興勝、戴舒穎、陳穎熙、鄧曉婷、龔心瑜、林百康、李明倫、李慧詩、鄧嘉燕、楊祝清
13-15歲 冠軍 彭麗樺、鄧曉琳、高艷婷、方志達、劉沛玲、馬麗莎、盧淑貞、林海慧、邵淑虹、曾碧瑤、馮慧敏、羅少杏、李鴻迪、陳建衡
13-15歲 亞軍 江淑燕、湯詩盈、畢婷婷、李麗珊、蔡嘉偉、吳泰峰、湯祖文、黃靜娜、林麗莎、吳春莉、宋依莉
16-18歲 亞軍 黎露莉、湯家琪、楊惟舜、高艷娜、黃雅翎、黃珮雲、詹婷婷、岑寶寶、岑欣欣、黃莉雯、吳婷盈、鄧彩迎
4-6歲 亞軍 劉意昂、劉妍、莊淑玲、陳美鳳、陳小願、林玉婷、張佳強、陳貴貴、湯曼婷
4-6歲 季軍 陳佳容、楊蕙因、阮珊珊、廖敏秀、王先銘、黃健邦、譚曉文、黃柏瑩、張藹盈、黃穎奷、黃嘉明、王銳龍
7-9歲 亞軍 張家銘、郭竟、陳靖雯、欒宇安、翁少冰、蔡寶榮、黃慧玲、黃家豪、鄧志成、雲俊傑、陳翠欣、廖宛兒、黃天銘、龍韻芝、黎嘉莉
新一屆明德家長委員會正式組成本校 11/02/2006 第二屆家長會改選,11/03/2006 舉行移交典禮。假 Auburn RSL Club 召開首次家長座談會,感謝數十位家長踴躍出席,與學校校務委員老師共聚一堂,面對面交流溝通。感謝眾家長提供應興應革的意見,並對校務鼎力支持。會中一致通過,推舉 Birrong 校區譚顯鏗先生出任新一屆家長委員會會長, Fairvale 校區張陳素鑾女士、 Auburn 校區歐陽翠女士出任副會長,寮李岳芳女士珉、陳志城先生分別出任中英文秘書,委員幹事有陳月竹、陳俊梅、方李彩霞、黃莊雯兒、吳慶祥、易美儀、謝清翠、謝采珍、李施珍、蔡明財、趙葵珠、陳符麗瓊。家長會乃明德重要組成之一部分,願更多家長樂意參與到家長會當中,一起關心呵護明德的成長。
It’s been a while since our last newsletter. The purpose of this newsletter is to inform you, as parents and students of the latest events of the school and our progress thus far. I would like to take this opportunity to thank teachers, parents and students for keeping me in touch with your daily happenings. Thank you for letting me know how you have been doing – not only in school so that we ensure clear lines of communication at all times. I’ll now take this opportunity to inform you of the latest news at Ming-Der Chinese School.
Yet again, we’ve received some great awards at the Minister’s Awards for Community Languages. There have been a total of ten students who have received awards for “Highly Commended” in the prestigious awards. Furthermore, we have outstanding commendations to Alan Tam and Sami Al-Hilfi who have both received the only awards for Minister’s Awards for Excellence in a Community Language in the Junior Division. These young children have received such outstanding awards and I truly extend my congratulations to these students. I would also like to thank their parental and family support at home and especially their teachers who have brought them thus far.
We have again achieved some great results at the National Chinese Eisteddford this year, taking home a total of 21 prizes. Ming Der has time and again achieved awards at every year that we’ve participated in this competition; it is truly a well-established achievement to be left in our history books. Our achievements are reflective of the Ming Der spirit.
This year we have another twelve students who have qualified for the entry of Chinese (Mandarin) into their Year 10 School Certificate. Commendations to Caroline Luu , Margaret Yie Quach, Ivy Lam, Lisha Ma, Martin Van, Peter Au, Nattalie Ngo, Jo Yee Chu, Jessica Ngo, Yanna Ko, Heidi Sham.
The next big news for Ming Der this year is the welcoming of a new President to our Parent Committee. Mr Dam is the parent of Alan Tam from our Birrong branch. Our Vice Presidents are Ms Au Yang from our Auburn branch and Ms Chen from our Fairvale branch. We would like to extend our appreciation to all the parents who have offered their assistance to our committee and congratulate our newly appointed Executive. Of course, we must also thank our retiring President, Mr Michael Chan for all his efforts these past twelve years.
As you will all know by now, our school has also had launched the Ming Der Chinese School official website. It contains all our contact information as well as upcoming events and news. I recommend you all to take a browse around the site to be informed of the school’s events. The site address is www.mingder.org.au.
Ming-Der Chinese School has participated in the Minister’s Awards for Excellence in a community language since 2002. The award acknowledges students’ achievements in learning a community language outside of school and is recognised by the Minister of Education. It is a reflection of the time and effort that students put into their language studies.
The selection process for this award is very tough, with students competing against all ethnic schools around the state.
In 2006, our school received nine awards for this prestigious title; including two Minsters award for Excellence, four Highly Commended, four Commended award. The criterion for receiving such an award includes achievements in the following areas; Academic, Leadership, Community and All-Round aspects. For this reason, students are encouraged to participate in different areas of school activities; including public speaking, story telling, dancing and singing. Students are also recognised for the work they do in their mainstream schools - thereby encouraging all-round efforts in students.
Congratulations to this year’s recipients:
School Location Student's Name Category Awards
Canley Vale Harry Wong Junior Commended
Canley Vale Wei Qi Wang Senior Highly Commended
Fairvale Nicole Dai Junior Commended
Fairvale Sylvia Wong Senior Highly Commended
Harrington Street David Thai Senior Commended
Harrington Street Sami Al-Hilfi Junior Minister's Award
Birrong Shanielle Lim Senior Highly Commended
Birrong Alan Tam Junior Minister's Award
Auburn Shirley Huynh Junior Commended
Auburn Bonnie Luong Senior Highly Commended