Regents Park 校區今天的座談會家長出席非常踴躍,人數超過40餘人。首先校長報告學年學校發展的目標和學生學習方向;各班級導師和家長分享班級經驗心得、報告班級教學內容、藉著寓教於樂以提高學生學習興趣;向家長匯報孩子們在校學習情況,以讓家長對自己的孩子了解和掌握、要求家長配合老師對孩子進行教育和引導,從而到達家校共育的目的。
There was a great turn out of more than 40 people at today’s Parent information session held at Regents Park Public School. Firstly, the school principal gave a presentation on the students’ learning outcomes and goals which was provided in more detail by each class teacher. The teachers were also able to give parents an idea of the different experiences that students have in the class and how course content is taught with a specific focus on providing an informative yet fun environment to keep students engaged. Tips were also given to parents about how they can continue their child’s learning at home and reinforce their Language school studies.
There was a great turn out of more than 40 people at today’s Parent information session held at Regents Park Public School. Firstly, the school principal gave a presentation on the students’ learning outcomes and goals which was provided in more detail by each class teacher. The teachers were also able to give parents an idea of the different experiences that students have in the class and how course content is taught with a specific focus on providing an informative yet fun environment to keep students engaged. Tips were also given to parents about how they can continue their child’s learning at home and reinforce their Language school studies.