When the sound system malfunctioned, the Year 2B students passionately performed the sing-along song “孤勇者”in an a cappella rendition. With their tender yet determined voices and energetic movements, they captivated the audience, showcasing the power of courage and unity, and earning rounds of applause!
二年级B班学生在音响设备出现故障时,以清唱的方式倾情演绎带动唱《孤勇者》。他们用稚嫩却坚定的歌声和充满活力的动作感染全场,展现了勇气与团结的力量,赢得了阵阵掌声! When the sound system malfunctioned, the Year 2B students passionately performed the sing-along song “孤勇者”in an a cappella rendition. With their tender yet determined voices and energetic movements, they captivated the audience, showcasing the power of courage and unity, and earning rounds of applause!
“用爱相伴,见证成长” 明德中文学校2024年毕业暨颁奖典礼 圆满落幕!
汉字承载文化,语言连结未来! 今天,我们共同见证了一场充满感动与荣耀的盛会。29名优秀毕业生用行动诠释了坚持学习中文的意义,书写了他们成长路上的精彩篇章。朗诵组的精彩表现展示了明德学生非凡的语言表达力和文化底蕴!此外,来自两个校区的79名优异学生用他们的卓越成绩,为明德争光添彩,每一份努力都让我们倍感骄傲! 毕业之际,我们如蒲公英般飘向四方,但明德的精神将始终伴随我们前行。愿每位学生在未来的人生旅程中随风起舞,绽放属于自己的绚烂光芒! 祝贺所有获奖的明德学生! 感谢所有支持与陪伴的明德家长! 我们不说再见,向着理想再出发! 2025,让我们明年再见! “With Love, We Witness Growth” - The 2024 Graduation and Awards Ceremony of Mingder Chinese School Successfully Concludes! Chinese characters carry culture, and language connects the future! Today, we witnessed a heartwarming and inspiring event. Our 29 outstanding graduates have demonstrated the value of perseverance in learning Chinese, writing a brilliant chapter in their journey of growth. The impressive performances from the eisteddfod group showcased the exceptional linguistic skills and cultural depth of Mingder students! In addition, the remarkable achievements of 79 excellent students from our two campuses brought pride and glory to Mingder. Every effort made us beam with pride! As we graduate, we scatter like dandelions to all corners of the world, but the spirit of Mingder will always accompany us. May every student dance with the wind and shine brightly in their journey ahead! Congratulations to all award-winning Mingder students! Thank you to all the parents for your unwavering support and companionship! This is not a goodbye; it’s a new beginning towards our dreams! 2025, let’s meet again next year! 2024明德中文学校毕业典礼李文宁同学的自编舞蹈惊艳全场!从服装设计到音乐剪辑,从舞蹈编排到舞台呈现,每一个环节都由李文宁同学倾力完成,同时体现了同学们的合作精神。整场演出不仅展现了大家非凡的创造力与努力,更传递了满满的青春与活力!棒棒哒,李文宁!为你的才华与团队精神喝彩! Ming-Der Chinese School 2024 Graduation CeremonyLi Wenning’s self-choreographed dance performance amazed the audience! From costume design to music editing, from choreography to stage presentation, every detail was meticulously crafted by Li Wenning, showcasing her dedication and talent. The performance also highlighted the spirit of teamwork among the students. It not only demonstrated their extraordinary creativity and hard work but also radiated youthful energy and vitality! Well done, Li Wenning! Applause for your talent and team spirit! 明德中文学校幼小班的学生用一首《听我说谢谢你》深情表达了对爸爸妈妈和老师们的感激之情。每一句歌词都饱含童真的感恩,每一个音符都传递着温暖与爱! The young students of Mingder Chinese School’s from Kindy to year one classes expressed their heartfelt gratitude to their parents and teachers through the song “Let Me Say Thank You.” Every lyric is filled with innocent appreciation, and every note conveys warmth and love! 今天,明德中文学校28位学生顺利完成了第二届汉语水平考试的第三级、第四级、第五级和第六级测试。衷心感谢UNSW的主任老师们专程来到明德校本区,负责监考并为每位考生颁发参与证书。
由于第三级的参与证书需等到明年才能发放,第六级的部分考生因考试结束后匆忙离开,只能等到明年开学后收到正式的汉语水平考试成绩,再为大家拍照留念,记录下学习过程中的美好瞬间。 Today, 28 students from Mingder Chinese School successfully completed the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth level tests for second year of HSK (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi). We extend our sincere gratitude to the teacher in-charge and teachers from UNSW for taking the time to come to our school and proctor the exams, as well as presenting each student with a certificate of participation. Due to the fact that the certificates for the level three will not be issued until next year, and some level six students left in a hurry after completing the exam, we will have to wait until next year to receive the official test scores and take photos to commemorate the occasion. |
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